📊 Evaluation Table

Evaluation Criteria Description Score (1-5)
Technical proficiency Demonstrates knowledge and skill in coding languages and tools relevant to the role
Problem-solving ability Ability to analyze, understand, and solve complex coding challenges
Time management Ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks to meet project deadlines
Code organization Ability to structure code in a logical and organized manner
Attention to detail Ability to identify and correct errors and bugs in code
Documentation Ability to write clear and concise comments and documentation to explain the code
Communication Ability to explain their approach to the challenge and collaborate effectively with others
Creativity Ability to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions to problems
Overall impression Overall impression of the candidate's performance in the code challenge

🎯 Scores

Score Interpretation
4.5-5 Very Suitable: The candidate demonstrates exceptional skills and knowledge in all of the evaluation criteria, and would be an excellent fit for the role.
3.5-4.49 Suitable: The candidate demonstrates solid skills and knowledge in most of the evaluation criteria, and would be a good fit for the role.
2.5-3.49 Neutral: The candidate demonstrates adequate skills and knowledge in some of the evaluation criteria, but may need further training or development in certain areas.
1.5-2.49 Unlikely Suitable: The candidate demonstrates insufficient skills or knowledge in some of the evaluation criteria, and may not be a good fit for the role without additional training or development.
1-1.49 Not Suitable: The candidate demonstrates significant weaknesses or deficiencies in most of the evaluation criteria, and is unlikely to be a good fit for the role.

🏆 Total Scores Scale

Total Score Interpretation
22.5-25 Very Suitable: The candidate demonstrates exceptional skills and knowledge in all of the evaluation criteria, and would be an excellent fit for the role.
17.5-22.49 Suitable: The candidate demonstrates solid skills and knowledge in most of the evaluation criteria, and would be a good fit for the role.
12.5-17.49 Neutral: The candidate demonstrates adequate skills and knowledge in some of the evaluation criteria, but may need further training or development in certain areas.
7.5-12.49 Unlikely Suitable: The candidate demonstrates insufficient skills or knowledge in some of the evaluation criteria, and may not be a good fit for the role without additional training or development.
5-7.49 Not Suitable: The candidate demonstrates significant weaknesses or deficiencies in most of the evaluation criteria, and is unlikely to be a good fit for the role.